Monday, March 31, 2008

Forgiven and Not Forsaken

After a long pause, here i am again; staring into this square screen but this time, i went through something marvelous.

It all happened three days ago, on Saturday. It was supposed to be an ordinary Saturday but it turn out to be quite eventful. I attended an Easter outreach at Ulu Klang Recreational Center organized by my church, Melawati Gospel Center jointly with Ampang Gospel Center.

The message spoken by Jamie Kidd was a normal “predictable” Christian speech. And yet something behind it touched my heart. What touched me most was his testimony about how God has spoken to him and changed his life completely. He came from a broken family and tried many things to make his life meaningful. He always ask himself “Is there more to life than this?”. He became a soldier to try to make his life the fullest. He had the money, the authority, the family of comrades and almost everything a person could wish for. But he was living like an empty shell, like I was, making noise but hollow inside.

He turned from a hot tempered, gambler, proud, aggressive, brutal, adulterous person into a man now leading the frontline to spread the Gospel. That is how much God can do to save a lost soul. And from there, I believe God can save me no matter how sinful I am.

It didn’t stop here; the PowerPoint slides he show us was a normal simple PowerPoint to tell the salvation of Christ. In fact, I have seen this PowerPoint presentation in the Tony Anthony campaign few years back. So I thought, this is all I could benefit from that night. However God proved me wrong. He spoke to me through that few slides. It was a simple message but I cannot imagine I had forgotten about it. It is a very important direct message.

It says that all mankind have fallen short of God’s glory and we cannot enter Heaven because we have sin;small or big is still sin cause God is 100% Holy. And God sent his Son Jesus to die for our sins on the cross. So far so good? Easy to understand? Now here is what strikes me, when Jesus died on the cross for us, what he was doing was renewing our Book of Life. Just imagine every sin I have commited is written on a book. And when Jesus Christ died for me, he took all my sins away, meaning he tore those pages containing my sins and throw them away or burn them. Then he put new clean white pages into my cover and becomes my book. So I’m like a newborn baby again. Sinless and faultless before God. This is what it means to have a second birth. I’m so happy and joyful that he is willing to forgive. I was burdened by sin and guilt and just after that, I can feel myself being so much lighter.

I gotta sleep already. Tomorrow I have a long day ahead. I’ll continue writing tomorrow. XD

*thanks for reading, hope you’ll feel God’s presence like how I did*

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” 2 Corinthians 5:17

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